

The Story

the solar system

The Expanse is a science fiction television series eventually bought by Amazon Prime based on a novel from James S.A. Corey with the same name. The series is located a hundred years in the future where the solar system is colonized. The series shows the story of severals groups, one of the United Nations that are people that are borned and raised in Earth that live in a capitalist society, then the Martian Congressional Republic on Mars, the Outer Planets Alliance, a loose political confederation of colonies, the belters that are people being exploited and oppress, and it centers around a group of that were attacked by a new alien technology. This new alien technology causes war between most of the groups while finding out what can be done with this new discovery.


cast picture

"As Long As We're Living and Breathing, There's More We Can Do. We Just Have To Be Strong Enough."

James Holden The Expanse
Holden actor

James Holden

James Holden is a main character in The Expanse. He is part of the group that the story centers and was attacked by another spaceship. He becomes the leader of the group after the first leader was killed by the other spaceship when a signal was received of a woman who needed their help.

Naomi Nagata

Naomi is another main character of The Expanse series. She along with another three people where in the middle of helping a woman in a spaceship after receiving a signal. Most of her team was killed by another spaceship, leaving only four of them to figure out why they were killed. She is also proud of being a belter, and tries her best for the others to understand them.

Naomi actor
Amos actor

Amos Burton

Amos belongs to the same group of that James Holden and Naomi Nagata. He is one of the main characters that tends to use his muscle and do what he has to do so the group survives. He does not like to talk about his past.

Alex Kamal

Alex used to live and fight in Mars. He belongs to the group that the series centers. He thinks good of Mars people, and he pilots the spaceship, The Rocinate, that the group uses for several seasons.

Alex actor
Chrisjen actor

Chrisjen Avasarala

Chrisjen is a politican for the United Nations, the Undersecretary. She is a prideful, smart, witty and knows how to make decisions for the public, and for war.

Camina Drummer

Drummer is a belter, and eventually becomes friends with Naomi. She does the best she can so that the belters have the best future. She allies with Fred Johnson to make everyone have a positive look on belters.

Drummer actor
Detective Miller actor

Detective Josephus Miller

Detective Miller is lead by a case of a missing young woman socialite to the new discovery of alien technology. He tries to assist Holden's group and Fred Johnson with this new alien technology.

Roberta Draper

In the beginning, Roberta was a Martian Marine who strongly believed in everything that Mars represented until Mar's betrayal of her and the marines she worked with caused her to switch sides. She becomes friends with the Undersecretary of the United Nations.

Roberta actor


The Best of The Expanse


Expanse Main Group Videos

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About Me

Hi, My name is Amanda Ventura. This is one of my favorite series. I do not usually see sci-fi series, but I really enjoy this series. This website was created with the purpose of developing my coding skills further and a SheCodes Challenge.

About this website

This website is part of the SheCodes Bootcamp Challenge The Binge-worthy Tv Show 2024. It was created by Amanda Ventura and open-sourced.